What I am
about to tell you will bring some consolation to your heart?
And that is
why I bring this message to you. For some time I
Have been
reading in books some very remarkable facts, which seem to show that our dead friends
are not really dead, but have passed on to another
World, and
that they are progressing in happiness; and that we on the earth, under certain
conditions, can communicate with them.
How do we
know that this is not some fraud practiced upon us?
Does not
human experience show that men have been dying for centuries, and why should we
now think we are able to talk with the dead?
I know there
are many who deny that there is even such a thing as a spirit being; but did
not Jesus of Nazareth go and preach to the spirits in prison,
And does not
that prove that men who had previously died were then alive and able to hear
his preaching? And if so, is it at all unreasonable to think that they can communicate
with us? Let me encourage you to investigate this,
You will
observe that all the evidence tending to prove that the living can talk with
the dead is founded upon the great teaching that the soul of man is immortal.
Is it not true that the Catholic and Protestant churches,
without a single exception, for many centuries have taught that the soul is
immortal, that it cannot die hence when one dies it is merely the body that is
dead, but the soul lives on?
The evidence
now available proving that the living can talk with the dead is so cumulative
and overwhelming that I attempt to present it to you,
confidence that I will convince your reasonable mind of the correctness of the
claim; and if I do, then I am certain I have done you a great good and
Brought much
comfort to your heart
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